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Square and Round Corners 3-Piece Case Foil Stamping Corners

Leather Details For Books That Stand Out

Leather adds a special luxurious feel to a book. However, if an entire leather cover seems excessive to you in terms of design and prices, leather corners are a good midway option. Leather corners can add that special feel without leading to extra costs. This option provides a distinct feel to your book, and makes it durable. Since the corners are the first to fray, it is a good idea to reinforce them with sturdier material.

Capabilities at Ad Industries

We provide round and square leather corners for books of varying sizes. These cases are formed using the technology of 3-piece binding. This technique adds strength and durability to the case. Also available is the option to foil stamp the leather corners. Foil stamping includes placing gold or silver designs on the leather corners of your book. This mental image would be enough to get book lovers to consider using this technology. These little details will surely make your book stand out from the scores of books out there.

Sometimes all that is needed to stand out is to opt for the traditional and the classic. What else can be timeless like the combination of leather and metal? Painstaking attention to detail is what will make you stand out because that is exactly what makes us stand out.

To place an order or request more information, please contact Ad Industries at 818-765-4200 / 800-233-4201, or email at

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